Dave's Gone By - a radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz since 2002

Dave's Gone By #443 (11/2/13): Backstage Pass

Nov. 2, 2013 (show #443) BACKSTAGE PASS

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews press agent Susan L. Schulman. Plus: Inside Broadway, Rabbi Sol Solomon offers his Rabbinical Reflection on the Washington Redskins, and a Saturday Segue remembering Lou Reed.

Host: Dave Lefkowitz

Guests: press agent Susan L. Schulman, Dave's wife, Joyce

Dave's Gone By #442 (10/26/13): Bird on the Wireless

Oct. 26, 2013 (show #442) Bird on the Wireless

Featuring: Dave & Rabbi Sol Solomon interview rock journalist Sylvie Simmons, author of "I'm Your Man." Also: Inside Broadway. Rabbi Sol offers his Rabbinical Reflection on the NYC biker melee, and a Saturday Segue for Tom Paxton's birthday.

Guests: rock journalist Sylvie Simmons, Dave's wife Joyce

Dave's Gone By #441 (10/12/13): Occupation: Foole's Daughter

Oct. 12, 2013 (show #441) OCCUPATION: FOOLE'S DAUGHTER

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon's chat with writer Kelly Carlin. Plus: Inside Broadway, the News Gone By, Dylan - Sooner & Later (ornaments & apps), Saturday Segues (Simon & Siberry; Bob Mould).

Host: Dave Lefkowitz

Guest: George Carlin's daughter, Kelly Carlin

Dave's Gone By #440 (10/5/13): Super Mario

Oct. 5, 2013 (show #440) SUPER MARIO

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews playwright Mario Fratti. Also: Inside Broadway, Saturday Segues (Matthew Sweet, John Lennon), Rabbi Sol on the government shutdown, Dylan - Sooner & Later (nobel deeds)

Guests: playwright Mario Fratti, Dave's wife, Joyce

Dave's Gone By Interview (10/12/13) – KELLY CARLIN & Rabbi Sol Solomon

 Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews radio host Kelly Carlin

Topics include: her father - George Carlin, comedy, podcasting, self-help, life coach.

Segment scheduled to air Oct. 12, 2013 as part of the "Dave's Gone By" radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
