Dave's Gone By #47 (10/13/03): Hello Columbus

October 13, 2003: Dave's Gone By #47 - Hello Columbus

Featuring: Dave chats with Toto's Lenore Campos about washlets! Plus: Dave Goes Off on the governator, Rabbi Sol Solomon on Christopher Columbus, and Dave's song, & Makin' Poopies.   

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guests: Lenore Campos of the Toto Company, Rabbi Sol Solomon (spiritual leader of Temple Sons of Bitches, Great Neck, NY.

Dave's Gone By #28 (4/13/03): Why Is This Night?

April 13, 2003: Dave's Gone By #28 - Why Is This Night?

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon explains Passover traditions.  Plus: the satirical News Gone By and Dave says hello to snow and farewell to TV's Egg.

host: Dave Lefkowitz

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN - Snow
00:13:00  NEWS GONE BY (Respiratory Esther, the Haircut Bandit, Voodoo, and the Concorde's last flight)
00:29:00  SKIT: Rabbi Sol Solomon - On Pesach
00:47:00  DAVE'S GONE CULTURAL - Egg
00:50:00  DAVE GOES OUT
