Dave's Gone By #158 (1/29/06): Please, Sir, May I Have Cudmore?

January 29, 2006: Dave's Gone By #158 - Please, Sir, May I Have Cudmore?

Featuring: Dave chats with radio personality Bob Cudmore. Plus: the satirical News Gone By.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: radio personality Bob Cudmore

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN
00:05:00  GUEST: Bob Cudmore
00:30:00  NEWS GONE BY (incl. golden moments w/ Ricky Martin)
00:50:00  DAVE GOES OUT 

Jan. 29, 2006 Playlist: “Livin' La Vida Loca” & “She Bangs” (Ricky Martin).

Dave's Gone By #152 (12/8/05): Brand New

December 8, 2005: Dave's Gone By #152 - Brand New

Featuring: Dave chats with folk-music legend Oscar Brand.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: folk-singer Oscar Brand

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN 
00:03:00  GUEST: Oscar Brand
00:54:00  DAVE GOES OUT
Dec. 8, 2005 Playlist: no songs.

Dave's Gone By #150 (11/24/05): Lavin Love-In

November 24, 2005: Dave's Gone By #150 - Lavin Love-In

Featuring: Part two of singer-songwriter Christine Lavin visiting to the Daverhood.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: singer-songwriter Christine Lavin (part two)

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN - The DMCA
00:05:00  GUEST: Christine Lavin

Nov. 24, 2005 Playlist: “Why Do I Write Songs I Can't Even Sing?” (live), “The New Street People” (live), “The Amoeba Hop” & “Katy Says Today is the Best Day of My Whole Entire Life” (Christine Lavin).

Dave's Gone By #144 (9/29/05): Get Weller Soon

September 29, 2005: Dave's Gone By #144 - Get Weller Soon

Featuring: Dave chats with Playwright Michael Weller (Moonchildren). Plus: the satirical News Gone By and the skit, Cookie Remembers Ernie.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: playwright Michael Weller

0:00:00  DAVE GOES IN 
00:03:00  NEWS GONE BY
00:18:00  GUEST: Michael Weller 
00:41:00  SKIT: “Cookie Remembers Ernie” 
00:51:00  DAVE GOES OUT 

Sept. 29, 2005 Playlist: no songs.

Dave's Gone By #135 (July 14, 2005): Spit It Out

July 14, 2005: Dave's Gone By #135 - Spit It Out!

Featuring: Dave chats with actress Amy Coleman and radio personality Valerie Smaldone. Plus: Peter Fitzberald in the skit, Logo. 

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guests: singer Amy Coleman & radio personality Valerie Smaldone
