Dave's Gone By - a radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz since 2002

Dave's Gone By #64 (2/9/04): Well, I'm 64

February 9, 2004: Dave's Gone By #64 - "Well, I'm 64"

Featuring: Dave celebrates Valentine's Day with the News Gone By and a romantic medley. Plus: Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Sol Solomon. 

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: Rabbi Sol Solomon (spiritual leader, Temple Sons of Bitches, Great Neck, NY)

Dave's Gone By #63 (2/2/04): Monday Evening Quarterback

February 2, 2004: Dave's Gone By #63 - "Monday Evening Quarterback"

Featuring: Dave goes off on The Super Bowl and offers a medley of winter songs. Plus: The satirical  News Gone By.        

host: Dave Lefkowitz

Dave's Gone By #62 (1/26/04): Landscape of the Terry

January 26, 2004: Dave's Gone By #62 - Landscape of the Terry

Featuring: Dave shares audio snippets of his 40th birthday party and chats with acting teacher Terry Schreiber. Plus: the satirical News Gone By.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: acting teacher Terry Schreiber
additional voices: Joyce Weil, Jay Auerfeld, Scott Rodolitz, Diditi Mitra, Bonnie Pinkow, Piero Pellei, Stefanie Pinkow

Dave's Gone By #61 (1/19/04): Forty Winks

January 19, 2004: Dave's Gone By #61 - Forty Winks

Featuring: Dave Goes Off on turning 40 and on working overtime. Plus: The satirical News Gone By and "The Rectum of Edmund Fitzgerald."

Dave's Gone By #60 (1/12/04): Little House on the Radio

January 12, 2004: Dave's Gone By #60 - Little House on the Radio

Featuring: Dave chats with actress Karen Grassle ("Little House on the Prairie"). Plus the satirical News Gone By and a birthday tribute to Howard Stern.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: actress Karen Grassle ("Little House on the Prairie")
