Total Rating: 
March 11, 2005
March 19, 2005
San Diego
Fault Line Theater
Theater Type: 
Regional; Storefront
Fault Line Theater
Theater Address: 
3152 Fifth Avenue (Redwood)
(619) 692-3382
Running Time: 
90 min
Ted Falagan, etc.
See review

One never knows just what to expect when spending an evening watching the Fault Line Players. We do know that we'll see new one-act plays, many written by co-proprietor Ted Falagan. Some may be penned by his partner Debbie Fabiano, as well as outside writers. We do know that we will see new and rising talent. This selection of plays and talent is no exception.

S.P.O.O.K.S, a Falagan creation, stands for Sanctioned Paranormal Occult Occurrence Specialists. No, I don't know what the K stands for. The theme music excitingly sets the mood for this multi-scene work. Falagan blends humor with mystery for his roguish characters. Albert Chan, Naomi Raffel, Robz, Ted Falagan, and Kristina Meek maneuver through this twisted, convoluted plot. Especially enjoyable is Naomi Raffel as Professor Taylor Field.

Tamara's Shadow,
another Falagan creation, is one of his best serious pieces to date. Nicole Brokaw gives an excellent performance as a dying cancer victim throwing one last party. The script and Brokaw's interpretation were real, with a sensitivity, not only for the victim, but also for her friends and their pain. Brokaw was supported by Kenda Ricciardelli as a compassionate close friend; Jude Thomas as Lewis' fiancee, who is totally at a loss as to what to do; Ted Falagan as a gay friend who brings humor when it is really needed; and, finally, ex-husband Lloyd, played by Jeremiah Powers. Brokaw's opening and closing speeches are very powerful.

Actress/Playwright Kristina Meek's Ms. Roberts If You're Nasty is a hoot! That's "Barbie" Roberts, played by a very tall Eric N. Gorman in drag, with a great wig and wearing four-and-a-half-inch heels. Meek has researched the Barbie legend extensively, creating a monolog that reflects the many facets of Barbie through the years. Did you know that Barbie, life size, would have measurements of 39-18-23/ Meek scripted not only the Barbie history, but also the many negative influences Mattel's icon has had on girls. Gorman's performance is pure comedic delight.

The evening's entertainment ends with Writer's Block by Falagan. Any writer can empathize with this piece. Prolific mystery writer Hamilton George (Chuck Hart) has hit a dead end in his first romantic love-triangle novel and enlisted his writer friends for help at a local coffee shop. The delight of this offering is that the novel characters, Pam (Marissa Vaughan) and Donald (Joe Caldwell), act out the variations suggested by the group played by Natasha Grisez, Helen Hawes and Ted Falagan. A sci-fi writer introduces a space twist and several versions include variations on his successful murder and suicide themes. A blind writer provides some of the best wit of this show. Even the coffee shop proprietor (Joseph Bossey) offers suggestions to make it a fun close to an enjoyable evening.

Robert Hitchcox
Date Reviewed: 
March 2005