December 2, 2004: Dave's Gone By #104 - D in DC in Dec

Featuring: Dave's trip to Washington DC. Plus: the satirical News Gone By, Inside Broadway (Pacific Overtures & Billy Crystal), the Jeopardy Ken song and the skit, Fiddler is a Pouf with Peter Fitzgerald.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: Peter Fitzgerald, Vice President of WGLFAR, The Woodmere Gay/Lesbian Front..and Rear.

00:00:00  DAVE GOES IN
00:06:00  INSIDE BROADWAY - Pacific Overtures & Billy Crystal 
00:16:00  SKIT: Fiddler is a Pouf w/ Peter Fitzgerald
00:28:00  DAVE GOES OFF - Jeopardy Ken & Dave in DC 
00:43:00  NEWS GONE BY
00:53:00  DAVE GOES OUT 

Dec. 2, 2004 Playlist: “There is No Other Way” (Pacific Overtures original cast; “Jeopardy Ken” (Dave, “Five Daves”), “Wedding Dance” (Fiddler on the Roof original cast)

  Pictured: Washington DC, B.D. Wong in Pacific Overtures, Billy Crystal's 700 Sundays, Harvey Fierstein in Fiddler, Ken Jennings now and someday.

Dave's trip to Washington DC. Plus: the satirical News Gone By, Inside Broadway (Pacific Overtures & Billy Crystal), the "Jeopardy Ken" song and the skit, "Fiddler is a Pouf" with Peter Fitzgerald.
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Keywords (Old): 
Dave's Gone By, Dave Lefkowitz, comedy, humor, funny, talk, radio, WGBB, theater, Broadway, Pacific Overtures, Stephen Sondheim, Billy Crystal, Peter Fitzgerald, gay, homosexual, Fiddler on the Roof, Washington DC, politics, Ken Jennings, Jeopardy Ken
Dave's trip to Washington DC. Plus: the satirical News Gone By, Inside Broadway (Pacific Overtures & Billy Crystal), the "Jeopardy Ken" song and the skit, "Fiddler is a Pouf" with Peter Fitzgerald.