Dave's Gone By #331 (10/30/10): Intercourse the Penguin

Oct. 30, 2010 (show #331) INTERCOURSE THE PENGUIN

Dave chats with environmentalist Dyan deNapoli, who helped save thousands of penguins following an oil spill in South Africa. Plus: Inside Broadway & Dave's trip to NYC.

host: Dave Lefkowitz

guest: Dyan deNapoli ("The Great Penguin Rescue")

Note: Owing to technical difficulties, some portions of the broadcast suffer from low audio or room hiss. Apologies!

Dave's Gone By #316 (9/11/09): Just Another Day

September 11, 2009: Dave's Gone By #316 - Just Another Day

Featuring: A New York-y show to commemorate 9/11, including Inside Broadway (Burn the Floor), Dave Goes Off on the wretched NY Mets, and Dave's wife's thoughts on the move out west.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: Dave's wife, Joyce Weil

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN
00:24:00  INSIDE BROADWAY (Burn the Floor (36:00)) 
00:43:00  GUEST: Joyce Weil
01:02:00  DAVE GOES OFF on the NY Mets
01:10:00  DAVE GOES OUT

Dave's Gone By #314 (6/14/09): What We Usually Do

June 14, 2009: Dave's Gone By #314 - What We Usually Do

Featuring: Dave's first internet-only show! Featuring the satirical News Gone By, Inside Broadway and Dave Goes Off on Census Nonsense.

host: Dave Lefkowitz

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN
00:08:00  NEWS GONE BY
00:26:00  INSIDE BROADWAY (Tony Wrap-Up (00:26:00), News (00:28:00), The Rivalry (00:44:00)) 
00:49:00  DAVE GOES OFF - Census Nonsense
01:08:00 DAVE GOES OUT

Dave's Gone By #313 (6/7/09): TotalTheater's Fifth Annual Tony Awards Special

June 7, 2009: Dave's Gone By #313: The 5th Annual TotalTheater Tony Awards Special

Featuring: Dave hosts the Fifth Annual Tony Awards show, featuring guest critics Iris Dorbian, Peter Filichia, Simon Saltzman & Richmond Shepard. Plus a post-show wrapup with Adam Kern and Pat O'Brien.

Dave's Gone By #309 (5/3/09): L.A. Express

May 3, 2009: Dave's Gone By #309 - L.A. Express

Featuring: Dave and guest co-host Jeff Goodman chat with international songstress Ute Lemper. Plus: Inside Broadway (the season ends, Danny Gans, Bea Arthur & Dave's trip to L.A.)

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
guest: singer & actress Ute Lemper
