Dave's Gone By - a radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz since 2002

Dave's Gone By #269 (4/20/08): New Year's 2008, pt. 1 - The Complete Man

April 20, 2008: Dave's Gone By #269 - New Year's 2008, part 1 - The Complete Man

Featuring: Part one of Dave hosting New Year's Eve 2007-08 at WGBB. Featuring Dave's wife Joyce Weil and a phone call from Dave's cousin, Adam Glass.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Joyce Weil

guest caller: Dave's cousin, Adam Glass

Dave's Gone By #268 (4/13/08): Mensch Lacht

April 13, 2008: Dave's Gone By #268 - Mensch Lacht

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with author and Yiddish historian Neal Karlen. Also: Inside Broadway. Featuring guest co-host Jeff Goodman.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host Jeff Goodman
guest: Neal Karlen ("The Story of Yiddish")

Dave's Gone By #267 (4/06/08): English Music Lesson

April 6, 2008: Dave's Gone By #267 - English Music Lesson

Featuring: Dave chats with author Timothy English about the history of tributes, quotes, and outright stealing in rock n' roll.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: author Timothy English ("Sounds Like Teen Spirit")

00:00:01  Pre-show: "Mother Popcorn" & "Charlton Heston" 
00:13:00  DAVE GOES IN 
00:26:00  GUEST: Tim English 
01:10:00  DAVE GOES OUT

Dave's Gone By #266 (3/30/08): Joey To The World

March 30, 2008: Dave's Gone By #266 - Joey to the World

Featuring: Dave and guest co-host Joe Salzone dissect Dave's appearance on WOR Radio's Joey Reynolds Show.

guest co-host: Joe Salzone

00:00:01  Pre-show: "Circum-locution" & "Anniversary"
00:20:00  DAVE GOES IN 
00:37:00  DAVE GOES FURTHER IN - Jeff Calls 
01:12:00  DAVE GOES OUT

March 30, 2008 Playlist: "Joey" (The Most Happy Fella).

Dave's Gone By #265 (3/23/08): Don't Nobody Move

March 23, 2008: Dave's Gone By #265 - Don't Nobody Move

Featuring: Dave plugs his off-off-Broadway play and then chats with singer-songwriter-actor Tony Powers.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host Jeff Goodman
guest: singer-songwriter-actor Tony Powers

00:00:01  Pre-show excerpt: Dave's Play 
00:10:00  DAVE GOES IN
00:26:00  GUEST: Tony Powers
01:09:00  DAVE GOES OUT
