Dave's Gone By - a radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz since 2002

Dave's Gone By #7 (11/17/02): Seventh Heaven

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November 17, 2002: Dave's Gone By #7 - Seventh Heaven

Featuring: On his seventh episode, Dave Goes Cultural with a Bob Dylan tribute and a look at Swedish Elvis; Eilert Pilarm on the World Weird Web. Plus: the skit, It's Bin Great, It's Bin Laden, and the satirical News Gone By.            

host: Dave Lefkowitz

Dave's Gone By #6 (11/10/02): Six Appeal

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November 10, 2002: Dave's Gone By #006 - Six Appeal

host: Dave Lefkowitz

Featuring: the satirical News Gone By

Note: Because of technical problems, the last 28 minutes of the original program were never recorded. A new coda has been added (6/09).

Dave's Gone By #5 (11/3/02): Take Five

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November 3, 2002: Dave's Gone By #5 - Take Five

Featuring: Comedy and culture on Dave's fifth episode, including the satirical News Gone By, Dave's Gone Cultural about the theater, the Giving Chimp skit and the Peter Byfield political skit.

host: Dave Lefkowitz

Dave's Gone By #4 (10/27/02): Pretty Spooky, Huh Kids?

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October 27, 2002: Dave's Gone By #004 - Pretty Spooky, Huh Kids?

host: Dave Lefkowitz
Featuring: Guest - actress Karen Young. Plus: the satirical News Gone By, Skits (Trick or Treat, Pre-Tampered Yummies), World Weird Web (Rotten.com, Brother Theodore)

Guest: actress Karen Young

Dave's Gone By #3 (10/20/02) Third Time Around

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October 20, 2002: Dave's Gone By #3 - Third Time Around

host: Dave Lefkowitz
Featuring: Dave chats with angry LIPA guy Kip Kohn, Plus: The News Gone By, Skits (Chief Moist Elk & The Puff Sullivan Letter), the World Weird Web, Inside Broadway (Say Goodnight, Gracie), and a birthday tribute to Tom Petty.

Guest: LIPA adversary Kip Kohn
